Excel Utility
IRIS IRP Excel Utility is one of its kind solutions that will help taxpayers do all activities related to e-invoicing through MS Excel.
E-invoicing Desktop Utility is MS-Excel based utility and supports versions Excel 2007 and above.

Key Features
With IRP6 Excel Utility, you can

Generate and
Cancel IRN

Import your data into Excel
or key in values

Perform pre-validations to
ensure only accurate data is
sent for IRN generation

Get IRN responses right
in your Excel sheet

Take print and customise
your invoice print
Best Suited

For getting quickly started with e-invoicing without the need for heavy IT systems investment.

When your ERP or billing solution has option to generate an output file that may or may not be as per e-invoice standard format.
Quick Links for Reference
To download the Excel Utility, you need to
for which e-invoices are to be generated. You need to sign up on IRIS IRP as Taxpayer,
Register your GSTINs and download the Excel Utility.