E-Invoice Registration Portal - IRP 6

Powered by IRIS Business Services Ltd. for Goods and Services Tax Network

E-Invoice Registration Portal

Powered by IRIS for GSTN

Access to Sandbox

In order, to make GSTIN eligible for Production access, user shall first register the GSTIN on sandbox environment and on completion of integration and submission of test cases, approval for production system will be given.

To get access on Sandbox Environment user shall provide below details

a. User type: Taxpayer, Intermediary or an E-commerce Operator.

  • Taxpayer: This user type is selected where user wants to do direct integration of APIs for his own GSTIN.

  • Intermediary: This user type is selected where user wants to do API integration for his clients

  • E-commerce Operator: This user type is selected where user want to do API integration for his clients/vendors who will be using E-commerce platform

b. GSTIN: GSTIN for which API Integration has to be done on Production Environment shall be provided by the user. User must add his valid GSTIN here. GSTIN added is passed through below validations

  • Status shall not be provisional, inactive or suspended
  • GSTIN shall have einvoice generation status as yes,  if user type is Taxpayer
  • Taxpayer type shall be Regular or SEZ Developer or TCS. Type other than Regular, SEZ Developer or TCS are not eligible for E-Invoicing

c. Email Id and Mobile No. – User shall provide credentials of authorised signatory as reported on GST Portal

d. Display Name: For User type as Intermediary and E-Commerce additionally, user shall provide the display name. Display name will be the name using which clients of API Integrator can select them for managing their APIs on Taxpayer Portal

e. Intermediary shall also state the type as ASP/ GSP/ ERP/ Others

f. OTP: OTP is sent to Authorised Signatory and remains valid for 10 minutes. User email and email id of Authorised Signatory may or may not be the same. 

g. Once OTP is verified successfully, sandbox access is granted then credentials will be visible at any time in Sandbox> Sandbox Credentials

Once Sandbox access is granted, the next step is to add test GSTINs. So, user can add either Dummy GSTINs or Valid GSTINs for testing. Minimum one test GSTIN is required to be added by user for prod application

Dummy Test GSTIN

Here, user can select any state and dummy GSTIN will get auto generated by IRIS IRP for user.
User can select taxpayer type as Regular or as SEZ Developer.
Username: Unique IRP username shall be added by user. Username shall have maximum length of 15 characters.
Password: IRP password for dummy GSTIN is required to be added. Password shall have maximum length of 8 characters, Atleast one capital letter, Atleast one special character and Atleast one number.

Valid Test GSTIN

GSTIN: User must add his valid GSTIN here. GSTIN added is passed through below validations

a. Status shall not be provisional, inactive or suspended
b. GSTIN shall have einvoice generation status as yes
c. Taxpayer type shall be Regular or SEZ Developer

Trade Name: Tradename will be auto populated basis the GSTIN added

Mobile No: Add Mobile No. ‘of Authorised signatory as reported on GSTN Portal

Email Id: Add Email Id of Authorised signatory as reported on GSTN Portal

Username: Unique IRP username shall be added by user. Username shall have maximum length of 15 characters

Password: IRP password for dummy GSTIN is required to be added. Password shall have maximum length of 8 characters, Atleast one capital letter, Atleast one special character and Atleast one number




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