E-Invoice Registration Portal - IRP 6

Powered by IRIS Business Services Ltd. for Goods and Services Tax Network

E-Invoice Registration Portal

Powered by IRIS for GSTN

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Application for Production

Once dummy or valid GSTIN is added successfully on Sandbox, the next flight to board is Prod application. Prod application can be done in five steps

Here, GSTIN originally added at the time of Sandbox access will be auto populated with trade name and Authorised Signatory credentials. These details cannot be edited by user. Because the GSTIN approved on Sandbox can only be granted access on Production

Here, user is required to upload GST Registration certificate in PDF format

Name, Email Id and Mobile of primary SPOC is mandatory. Secondary SPOC details are optional

Indian IPs only will be taken for whitelisting. Minimum one IP is mandatory and maximum 4 IPs can be whitelisted

In order to get access on Production Environment is mandatory to upload report of testing

Attached is the format for Test Report file upload: EInvoiceAPITestSummary1.03

After providing all the details user has to submit the application and an OTP is sent to Authorised Signatory Email and Mobile. OTP will remain valid for 10 minutes. Once OTP is verified, application for production is submitted successfully below screen comes. For more details user can connect

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