Cancelling E-invoices
All the E-invoices generated through IRIS IRP can be viewed and managed from Manage > View Invoices

User can get summary and detailed view of E-invoice from this section. User also has option filter the records using different parameters
Generate EWB, Cancel IRN, Send Mail, Send Bulk Mail, Print, Download JSON, Download CSV for Single or Multiple records are the different actions available for User from Manage> View

Here, list of all the invoices generated in past two days I.e., having ack date of past two days is available by default.
E-invoices having ack date of prior 2 days will only be available in this section. If user intends to view records prior to past two days, user shall upgrade to VAS or VAS Premium plan
Cancel IRN
User can select one or more record and click on Submit. Select Reason and Remark are mandatory fields required from user.
Note: Only Records having active IRN generated in last 24 hours will be considered for cancellation.