E-Invoice Registration Portal - IRP 6

Powered by IRIS Business Services Ltd. for Goods and Services Tax Network

E-Invoice Registration Portal

Powered by IRIS for GSTN

Where user has logged in for the first time, he is prompted to add his GSTIN details. Adding GSTIN is a onetime activity to start the e-invoicing journey. Here, is the step-by-step guide for adding GSTIN details

Where GSTIN is already registered by user, dashboard of GSTINs registered by user is catered as below

The dashboard of all the GSTINs added by user is available. User can switch the GSTINs to check dashboard of required GSTIN.

Note: This option to select and switch GSTIN is available on all the pages of Portal except in case of settings and Profile. And User can select and switch GSTIN anytime from any page to view or to carry forward the required activities.

  1. IRN Generated – Shows the total count of IRN successfully generated through web form or through bulk JSON upload> View for today and yesterday
  2. IRN Cancelled – Shows the total count of IRN successfully cancelled through web form or from Manage> View for today and yesterday
  3. EWB Generated – Shows the total count of EWB successfully generated through web form or from Manage> View for today and yesterday
  4. IRN Errors – Shows the total count of IRN generation and cancellations errors encountered from web form or Bulk upload or Manage> View for today and yesterday
  • This chart shows top 5 errors that are repeated maximum number of times by selected GSTIN in past 7 days
  • X Axis is plotted with Error codes
  • Y Axis is plotted with Count of errors that are repeated maximum number of times
  • On chart hover – description of error is available
  • Option is available to download list of all the errors in past 7 days

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