E-Invoice Registration Portal - IRP 6

Powered by IRIS Business Services Ltd. for Goods and Services Tax Network

E-Invoice Registration Portal

Powered by IRIS for GSTN

Important Advisory on Verifying Signed Invoices / QR Code for E-Invoices Generated Between 21st Nov 2024 to 26th Nov 2024 from IRIS IRP
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  • User can upload the source file for entering E-Invoice details. If user does not have any source file, user can always enter the data in respective rows and generate E-Invoices.
  • Also, data imported can be edited directly in the utility.
  • Once data entered in utility is validated user can generate E-Invoice directly from utility or create JSON of records and upload on IRIS IRP Portal.

Once invoice data is added or imported user can click on Validate Data to check if there are any errors like mandatory missed or length not as per requirement. If error found then one pop-up message will come about that error. User needs to double click on that error message then it will directly take user to the cell which has issue.

User is required to clear out that error first and then start processing of generate IRN.

After resolving all errors, click on “Generate IRN”

If there are errors any while generating IRN then, again popup will come and the error message can be seen in Processing Status Column at the end for records having errors

If there are no errors then the IRN will get generated successfully for such records and details like Acknowledgement Number, Acknowledgement Date, IRN, Signed Invoice, Signed QR Code, Status will be visible in Response columns at the end.


Please note – All modes of IRN generation from IRIS IRP are in sync. So, if user has generated IRN from Excel utility, the same shall be visible in user account on IRIS IRP Web Portal

Once the records are validated and no errors are pending to be rectified, the user can simply generate JSON file of invoices instead of doing Generate IRN. This JSON File can be uploaded on IRIS IRP portal for E-invoice generation. User can upload this file in Generate> Bulk Operations to generate E-invoices

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