Installing Excel utility/ Getting started with Excel utility
- E-invoicing excel utility is a MS Excel based utility tool for generating e-invoices through IRIS IRP.
- Excel Utility can be downloaded Post log in on IRIS IRP from Tools
- To get started with this excel utility, user need to

Sign Up on IRIS IRP Portal

Add GSTIN on IRIS IRP or have access to already registered GSTIN on IRIS IRP

Login to IRIS IRP and Download the Excel Utility from Tools
This utility has all fields as per the e-invoicing mandate. “IRISIRP E-invoice Excel Utility Input Format-Generate.xls” explains all the fields as per the schema and data expected against those fields. Refer “How to Read” worksheet for understanding remaining worksheets in the input format excel file.
E-invoicing Desktop Utility supports versions Excel 2007 and above.