E-Invoice Registration Portal - IRP 6

Powered by IRIS Business Services Ltd. for Goods and Services Tax Network

E-Invoice Registration Portal

Powered by IRIS for GSTN


Once Test GSTINs are added by the user, same are accessible from Sandbox > Test GSTINs, for view and further actions

List of test GSTINs valid or dummy as added by user so far is available

User can also view Signatory Details and IRP Details for the respective GSTIN added. Editting signatory and IRP details is currently not available, but will be made available soon.

Sandbox Settings

  • User can view and manage Sandbox Credentials from Sandbox> Sandbox Settings
  • Access to this section is granted once test GSTINs are added by the user I.e. on completion of sandbox application step.
  • User has option to regenerate the client secret from this section. On click of Regenerate client secret, OTP is sent to authorised signatory and post OTP Verification a new client secret is shared with the user.

List of all the API end points are available in Sandbox> Sandbox Settings> Sandbox End Point

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