E-Invoice Registration Portal - IRP 6

Powered by IRIS Business Services Ltd. for Goods and Services Tax Network

E-Invoice Registration Portal

Powered by IRIS for GSTN

Important Advisory on Verifying Signed Invoices / QR Code for E-Invoices Generated Between 21st Nov 2024 to 26th Nov 2024 from IRIS IRP
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Resolving Common Errors

Error Type Error Code Error Message Reason for Error Resolution for Error 
2143 Invoice Invoice does not belongs to the user GSTIN User is attempting to perform some operations on IRN which does not belong to the currently logged in user Certain operations can not be carried out on other’s IRNs such as cancel etc 
2148 Invoice Requested IRN data is not available User is trying to do some operation on an IRN which is not available in the eInvoice system Please check whether IRN is correct or the operation is being carried out within permitted time duration. 
2150 Invoice Duplicate IRN Attempting to register a document again which is already registered and IRN is generated Don’t fire the same request siimultaneously. This results in one request giving the error as ‘Duplicate IRN request’. Best way to avoid firing of IRN request repeatedly for the same request, is update in your system with IRN number when the response comes back. Next time check the IRN, if it is not there, then fire for IRN. 
2154 Invoice IRN details are not found Attempting to register a document again which is already registered and IRN is generated. Don’t fire the same request simultaneously. This results in one request giving the error as ‘Duplicate IRN request’. Best way to avoid firing of IRN request repeatedly for the same request, is update in your system with IRN number when the response comes back. Next time check the IRN, if it is not there, then fire for IRN. 
2155 Invoice Supplier GSTIN is required Request payload dos not have supplier GSTIN Supplier GSTIN is mandatory 
2159 Invoice Invalid value for reverse charge applicable field Invalid value has been sent for the attribute to pass whether reverse charge applicable Please refer to the request JSON schema 
2162 Invoice Reverse Charge is not applicable for this transaction Trying to set ‘Reverse Charges applicable’ for transactions other than B2B transaction Check the ‘Reverse Charges Applicable’ parameter as per the current type of transaction 
2163 Invoice The document date should not be future date . Attempting to set future date for the document date Check the document date being passed 
2169 Invoice Request for IRN is neither from supplier GSTIN or e-Commerce GSTIN Logged in user GSTIN does not match with either the supplier GSTIN or eCommerce GSTIN If a supplier is registering the Invoice, GSTIN passed in the request header should match with the supplier GSTIN. If an eCommerce operator is registering the Invoice, GSTIN in header should match with the eCommerce operator’s GSTIN in the request payload 
2172 Invoice For Intra-state transaction, IGST amount is not applicable; only CGST and SGST amounts are applicable IGST amount is being passed for Intra State transaction where as CGST and SGST are applicable. Please check the applicable taxes for current transaction. If the State code of Point of Supply (POS) of recipient is same is state code of Supplier, then CSGT and SGST applies. However, under exception circumstances as per rule if IGST is applicable for intrastate transaction, then pass the ‘IGST_on_IntraState_Supply’ flag as ‘Y’ with IGST value so that system can process your request. 
2173 Invoice You have exceeded the limit of number of items User has passed the requests payload with more number of li Please check the number of line items being passed. Please refer to the specific API for large number of items. If limit for that API is also exceeded, contact helpdesk with invoice details 
2174 Invoice For inter-state transaction, CGST and SGST amounts are not applicable; only IGST amount is applicable CGST and SGST taxes are being passed for inter state transactions Please check the applicable taxes for current transaction. If the State code of Point of Supply (POS) of recipient is different than the state code of Supplier, then IGST applies. Pl check the details. 
2176 Invoice HSN code(s)-{0} is invalid Wrong HSN code is being passed Pl check the HSN code being passed and Cross-check the correctness of HSN code on e-invoice portal. Still, if you feel it is correct, then please send the details to the helpdesk for verification at e-invoice system side. 
2177 Invoice Unit Quantity Code(s)-{0} is/are not as per master Invalid unit code has been passed Please pass the correct unit code as per the master provided for e-invoice. Check the correct unit code in the portal under Search -> Master codes. If the unit code is not matching with your required unit, you may have to convert unit to one existing in the master list of unit code. 
2182 Invoice Taxable value of all items is not equal to total taxable value Sum of taxable amounts of all items should be equal to invoice level taxable amount. Please check the request payload for the taxable value validation. Total Taxable Value = Taxable value of all line items 
2183 Invoice SGST value of all items is not equal to total SGST Value Sum of SGST amounts of all items should be equal to invoice level SGST amount Please check the request payload for the SGST value validation. 
2184 Invoice CGST value of all items must be equal to total CGST value Sum of CGST amounts of all items should be equal to invoice level CGST amount Please check the request payload for the CGST value validation. 
2185 Invoice IGST value of all items must be equal to total IGST Value Sum of IGST amounts of all items should be equal to invoice level IGST amount Please check the request payload for the IGST value validation. 
2186 Invoice Cess value of all items must be equal to total Cess Value Sum of Cess amounts of all items should be equal to invoice level Cess amount Please check the request payload for the Cess value validation. 
2187 Invoice State Cess Value of all items must be equal to total State CessValue Sum of State Cess amounts of all items should be equal to invoice level State Cess amount Please check the request payload for the State Cess value validation. 
2189 Invoice Total Invoice Value is not matching with calculated value Invoice level total value has not been calculated as per the passed values. Invoice level total value is equal to totals of all the total item value plus other charges minus discount with tolerance limit of +/- One. Pl refer to the validations in sandbox portal. 
2193 Invoice For Sl. No. {0}, Taxable Value (AssAmt) value is not equal to (TotAmt – Discount) Incorrect assessable amount is passed for the specified item. For the specific item, assessable amount should be arrived at by deducting discount from total amount 
2194 Invoice For Sl. No {0}, Total item value does not match with taxable and tax values of that item Total item value passed is incorrect. Total item value should be sum of assessable value, all tax and cess values, other charges with tolerance limit of +/- One. Please refer to the validations in the portal. 
2195 Invoice e-Commerce GSTIN is not registered as TCS-GSTIN The eCommerce GSTIN passed does not belong to the type Tax Collector Please check the GSTIN type at the common portal. If it is TCS in common portal still it is showing the error, contact the helpdesk with GSTIN details 
2200 Invoice State code {0} is invalid for dispatch details or ship details Wrong state code is passed in dispatch or ship details Please refer to the state codes in the portal at Search -> Master Codes 
2201 Invoice Invalid Port Code Wrong port code is passed in dispatch or ship details Please refer to the port codes in the portal at Search -> Master Codes 
2202 Invoice Invalid Country Code Wrong country code is passed in dispatch or ship details Please refer to the country codes in the portal at Search -> Master Codes 
2203 Invoice Invalid Foreign Currency Wrong foreign currency code is passed in dispatch or ship details Please refer to the foreign currency codes in the portal at Search -> Master Codes 
2211 Invoice Supplier and recipient GSTIN should not be the same. Same GSTIN has been passed for Supplier and Buyer GSTIN. Self generated Invoice are not allowed for e-invoice generation. 
2212 Invoice The recipient GSTIN cannot be URP for supply type {0} Un Registered Person (URP) is passed wrongly for B2B type of transaction. For this type of transaction, actual GSTIN needs to be passed. 
2213 Invoice The supplier GSTIN cannot be URP URP has been set as the Supplier GSTIN Supplier GSTIN can not be URP 
2227 Invoice For Sl. No {0}, SGST and CGST amounts are not equal For the specified item, CGST and SGST amounts are not equal CGST and SGST amounts should be same for the specified item. 
2228 Invoice Item list cannot be empty There are no items in the item list There should be at least one item in the item list 
2231 Invoice Cannot generate e-Invoice as the supplier GSTIN – {0} is SEZ SEZ GSTIN user is trying to generate the eInvoice eInvoice is not applicable for SEZ supplier 
2232 Invoice POS is incorrect for {0} transaction POS is sent other than 96 for the specified type of transaction Send Other Country code (96) for POS state code for the specified transaction type 
2233 Invoice Duplicate SI numbers are not allowed in line items Duplicate serial number for the items has been sent in the item list. The serial number of the items in the item list should be unique in an invoice. 
2234 Invoice For Sl. No {0}, SGST and CGST amount passed does not match with taxable value and tax rate Wrong SGST and CGST amounts are passed for the specified item in the item list. Correct values for the SGST and CGST amounts have to be passed. SGST and CGST values should be equal to [taxable value X tax rate / 2] for that line item with tolerance limit of +/- One. 
2235 Invoice For Sl. No {0}, IGST amount passed is not matching with taxable value and tax rate Wrong IGST amount is passed for the specified item in the item list. Correct value for the IGST amount has to be passed. IGST value should be equal to [taxable value X tax rate] for that line item with tolerance limit of +/- One. 
2238 Invoice For Sl. No {0}, Quantity is not passed Value for quantity is missing for the specified item in the item list Send the quantity for the specified item 
2239 Invoice For Sl. No {0}, Unit Quantity Code (UQC) is not passed Value for unit is missing for the specified item in the item list Send the value for unit for the specified item 
2240 Invoice For Sl. No {0}, GST rate of tax is incorrect or not as notified Wrong GST rate is passed for the specified item in the item list. Correct value for the GST rate has to be passed. Standard tax Rates are 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 12, 18, 28 
2242 Invoice Recipient POS is incorrect for transaction type {0} For the specified type of transaction, POS passed is 96 – Other Country For the specified transaction type, POS can not be 96, pass a valid state code. Please refer to the State Codes in the portal under Search -> Master Codes 
2243 Invoice POS code is invalid Invalid State code has been passed for the POS Pass correct State code for POS. Please refer to the State Codes in the portal under Search -> Master Codes 
2246 Invoice Recepient cannot be SEZ for – {0} transaction SEZ GSTIN has been passed as GSTIN in Recipient details for the specified type of transaction For the specified type of transaction, GSTIN of SEZ can not be passed as GSTIN in Recipient details 
2247 Invoice Recepient should be SEZ for transaction {0} Non SEZ GSTIN has been passed as the GSTIN in Recipient details for the given type of transaction. For the given type of transaction GSTIN in Recipient details should be of SEZ 
2248 Invoice Recepient has to be URP in case of Export transactions In case of export, Recipient GSTIN has not been set to ‘URP’ In case of export , GSTIN in Recipient details should be ‘URP’ 
2256 Invoice Invalid Signature The data is altered or improper public key is used for verification of the signed content Make sure that the correct public key is used for verification of the signed content. The public keys are available for download from the portal, which are used in specific time periods. 
2258 Invoice Supplier GSTIN state code does not match with the state code passed in supplier details The state code passed and first two digits of the GSTIN passed in the Supplier details do not match In the Supplier details, first two digits of the GSTIN should match the state code passed 
2259 Invoice Invalid supplier state code State code passed in the Supplier Details is incorrect Pass the correct State code in the Supplier Details. For State code master, visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes 
2260 Invoice The recipient state code is invalid State code passed in the Recipient Details is incorrect Pass the correct State code in the Recipient Details. For State code master, visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes 
2261 Invoice The recipient state code is incorrect for {0} transaction State code under Recipient Details is sent other than 96, for the specified type of transaction Send Other Country code (96) for State code under Recipient Details, for the specified transaction type 
2262 Invoice For Intra-state supply, IGST cannot be charged IGSTonIntra value is set as ‘Y’ but different state codes are mentioned under Supplier Details and POS When IGSTonIntra value is set as ‘Y’, it should be an intra state transaction and hence State code under Supplier Details should be same as POS under Recipient Details 
2265 Invoice Recipient GSTIN state code does not match with the state code passed in recipient details The state code passed and first two digits of the GSTIN passed in the Recipient details do not match. In the Recipient details, first two digits of the GSTIN should match the state code passed. 
2266 Invoice For Sl. No {0}, Cess amount passed does not match with the calculated value Incorrect Cess amount is passed for the specified line item Correct Cess amount may be passed for the specified line item 
2267 Invoice For Sl. No {0}, State Cess amount passed is not as per calculated value Incorrect State Cess amount is passed for the specified line item Correct State Cess amount may be passed for the specified line item 
2268 Invoice IGST on instra state supply is not applicable to export/SEZ transactions IGSTonIntra has been set for export and SEZ transactions IGSTonIntra value can not be ‘Y’ for export and SEZ transactions 
2270 Invoice The allowed cancellation time limit is crossed, you cannot cancel the IRN Attempted to cancel the IRN after the time limit IRN can be cancelled only within the time limit 
2271 Invoice SHIP TO – state code is not valid statecode for B2B, SEZ and Deemed Export transactions Invalid State code is passed under Ship To details for B2B, SEZ and Deemed export transaction Correct state code should be passed under Ship To Details for B2B, SEZ and Deemed export transactions. For valid State codes, may visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes 
2272 Invoice SHIP TO – PIN code cannot be 999999 for B2B, SEZ and Deemed Export transactions PIN code under ShipTo Details has been passed as 999999 for B2B, SEZ and Deemed Export transactions Correct PIN code should be passed under Ship To Details for B2B, SEZ and Deemed export transactions. For valid PIN codes, may visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes 
2273 Invoice Dispatch from PIN code cannot be 999999 PIN code under Dispatch From Details has been passed as 999999 for B2B, SEZ and Deemed Export transactions Correct PIN code should be passed under Dispatch From Details for B2B, SEZ and Deemed export transactions. For valid PIN codes, may visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes 
2274 Invoice Recipient PIN code cannot be 999999 for {0} transaction. PIN code under Recipient Details has been passed as 999999 for specified type of transactions Correct PIN code should be passed under Recipient Details for specified type of transactions. For valid PIN codes, may visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes 
2275 Invoice Recipient PIN code should be 999999 for Direct Export PIN code under Recipient Details has been passed as other than 999999 for specified type of transactions 999999 as PIN code should be passed under Recipient Details for specified type of transactions. 
2276 Invoice Supplier PIN code cannot be 999999 PIN code under Supplier Details has been passed as 999999 Correct PIN code should be passed under Supplier Details. For valid PIN codes, may visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes 
2277 Invoice E-Commerce Opertaor has to pass supplier GSTIN in header to cancel the IRN in header, supplier GSTIN is missing while eCommerce operator is cancelling the IRN While eCommerce operator is cancelling the IRN, Supplier GSTIN should be passed in the request header 
2278 Invoice IRN is already generated and is cancelled for this Document number. The duplicate IRN cannot be generated for the same number.   
2279 Invoice Invalid schema version   
2280 Invoice Invalid document type   
2283 Invoice IRN details cannot be provided as it is generated more than {0} days prior   
2284 Invoice IRN cannot be generated for the document date which is prior to {0}   
2285 Invoice Invalid value for IGST on intra field   
2288 Invoice Invalid Recipient GSTIN   
2291 Invoice Invalid Supplier GSTIN   
2294 Invoice Reverse charge is mandatory if IGST on intra is applicable   
2295 Invoice IRN is already generated and registered with GSTN Lookup Portal by other IRP   
2297 Invoice Reverse charge supply is not allowed for ISD recipients   
2298 Invoice Recipient cannot be composition/UIN taxpayer for Deemed Exports   
2299 Invoice E-Commerce Operator GSTIN field should be empty when Tax Payer generates e-Invoice   
2300 Invoice Supplier GSTIN should be of type Regular or SED   
2301 Invoice E-Commerce Operator GSTIN field should not be empty when e-Commerce operator generates e-Invoice   
9999 Invoice Invoice is not active   
3026 Invoice E-Invoice Options are not enabled for this GSTIN -{0}   
3038 Invoice {0} details Details:Pincode-{1} does not exists   
3039 Invoice Pincode -{1} of {0} does not belong to his/her State – {2}   
3047 Invoice The HSN – {0} does not belong to Goods   
3048 Invoice The HSN – {0} does not belong to Service   
3074 Invoice GSTIN – {0} is cancelled and document date – {1} is later than de-registration date   
3075 Invoice GSTIN- {0} is cancelled and de-registration date is not available   
3076 Invoice GSTIN – {0} is inactive   
3077 Invoice GSTIN – {0} is cancelled and document date – {1} is earlier than registration date   
3078 Invoice GSTIN- {0} is cancelled and registration date is not available   
3079 Invoice For active GSTINs the document date should not be earlier than registration date   
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