Notified E-invoice Schema
SN | (Published in IRIS IRP Portal) | JSON attributes |
1 | GSTIN of User * | usergstin |
2 | Supply Type Code * | SupTyp |
3 | Reverse Charge | RegRev |
4 | E-Com GSTIN | EcmGstin |
5 | Igst on Intra | IgstOnIntra |
6 | Document Type * | Typ |
7 | Document Number * | No |
8 | Document Date * | Dt |
9 | Seller GSTIN * | SellerDtls.Gstin |
10 | Seller Legal Name* | SellerDtls.LglNm |
11 | Seller Trade Name | SellerDtls.TrdNm |
12 | Seller Address 1 * | SellerDtls.Addr1 |
13 | Seller Address 2 | SellerDtls.Addr2 |
14 | Seller Location * | SellerDtls.Loc |
15 | Seller Pincode * | SellerDtls.Pin |
16 | Seller State * | SellerDtls.Stcd |
17 | Seller Phone Number | SellerDtls.Ph |
18 | Seller Email Id | SellerDtls.Em |
19 | Buyer GSTIN * | BuyerDtls.Gstin |
20 | Buyer Legal Name * | BuyerDtls.LglNm |
21 | Buyer Trade Name | BuyerDtls.TrdNm |
22 | Buyer POS * | Pos |
23 | Buyer Address 1 * | BuyerDtls.Addr1 |
24 | Buyer Address 2 | BuyerDtls.Addr2 |
25 | Buyer Location * | BuyerDtls.Loc |
26 | Buyer Pincode * | BuyerDtls.Pin |
27 | Buyer State * | BuyerDtls.Stcd |
28 | Buyer Phone Number | BuyerDtls.Ph |
29 | Buyer Email Id | BuyerDtls.Em |
30 | Dispatch Name | DispDtls.Nm |
31 | Dispatch Address 1 | DispDtls.Addr1 |
32 | Dispatch Address 2 | DispDtls.Addr2 |
33 | Dispatch Location | DispDtls.Loc |
34 | Dispatch Pincode | DispDtls.Pin |
35 | Dispatch State | DispDtls.Stcd |
36 | Shipping GSTIN | ShipDtls.Gstin |
37 | Shipping Legal Name | ShipDtls.LglNm |
38 | Shipping Trade Name | ShipDtls.Trdnm |
39 | Shipping Address 1 | ShipDtls.Addr1 |
40 | Shipping Address 2 | ShipDtls.Addr2 |
41 | Shipping Location | ShipDtls.Loc |
42 | Shipping Pincode | ShipDtls.Pin |
43 | Shipping State | ShipDtls.Stcd |
44 | Sl No. * | SlNo |
45 | Product Description | PrdDesc |
46 | Is-Service * | IsServc |
47 | HSN Code * | HsnCd |
48 | Bar Code | Barcde |
49 | Quantity | Qty |
50 | Free Quantity | FreeQty |
51 | Unit | Unit |
52 | Unit Price * | UnitPrice |
53 | Gross Amount (Rs) * | TotAmt |
54 | Item Discount (Rs) | Discount |
55 | Pre Tax Value (Rs) | PreTaxVal |
56 | Item Taxable Value (Rs) * | AssAmt |
57 | GST Rate (%) * | GstRt |
58 | SGST Amt (Rs) | SgstAmt |
59 | CGST Amt (Rs) | CgstAmt |
60 | IGST Amt (Rs) | IgstAmt |
61 | Cess Rate (%) | CesRt |
62 | Cess Adval Amt (Rs) | CesAmt |
63 | Cess Non-Adval Amt (Rs) | CesNonAdvlAmt |
64 | State Cess Rate (%) | StateCesRt |
65 | State Cess Adval Amt (Rs) | StateCesAmt |
66 | State Cess Non Adval Amt (Rs) | StateCesNonAdvlAmt |
67 | Item Other Charges (Rs) | Other Charges |
68 | Item Total (Rs) * | TotItemVal |
69 | Order line reference | OrdLineRef |
70 | Origin Country | OrgCntry |
71 | Unique item Sl No | PrdSlNo |
72 | Batch Name | BchDtls.Nm |
73 | Batch Expiry Date | ExpDt |
74 | Batch Warranty Date | WrDt |
75 | Attribute Details of the items | AttribDtls.Nm |
76 | Attribute Value of the items | Val |
77 | Total Taxable Value (Rs.)* | AssVal |
78 | Total SGST Amt (Rs) | SgstVal |
79 | Total CGST Amt (Rs) | CgstVal |
80 | Total IGST Amt (Rs) | IgstVal |
81 | Total Cess Amt (Rs) | CesVal |
82 | Total State Cess Amt (Rs) | StCesVal |
83 | Total Discount (Rs.) | Discount |
84 | Total Other Charges (Rs.) | OthChrg |
85 | Round off (Rs.) | RndOffAmt |
86 | Total Invoice value (Rs)* | TotInvVal |
87 | Total Invoice value in Additional Currency | TotInvValFc |
88 | Shipping Bill No | ShipBNo |
89 | Shipping Bill Date | ShipBDt |
90 | Port Code | Port |
91 | Supplier Refund | RefClm |
92 | Foregin Currency | ForCur |
93 | Country Code | CntCode |
94 | Export Duty Amount (Rs) | ExpDuty |
95 | Trans ID | TransId |
96 | Trans Name | TransName |
97 | Trans Mode | TransMode |
98 | Distance | Distance |
99 | Trans Doc No | TransDocNo |
100 | Trans Doc Date | TransDocDt |
101 | Vehicle No | VehNo |
102 | Vehicle Type | VehType |
103 | Payee Name | PayDtls.Nm |
104 | Account Number | AccDet |
105 | Mode of Payment | Mode |
106 | Branch / IFSC code | FinInsBr |
107 | Terms of Payment | PayTerm |
108 | Payment Instruction | PayInstr |
109 | Credit Transfer | CrTrn |
110 | Direct Debit | DirDr |
111 | Credit Days | CrDay |
112 | Paid Amount (Rs) | PaidAmt |
113 | Due Amount (Rs) | PaymtDue |
114 | Remarks | InvRm |
115 | Invoice period Start Date | InvStDt |
116 | Invoice period End Date | InvEndDt |
117 | Original Invoice | InvNo |
118 | Preceding Invoice Date | InvDt |
119 | Other Reference | OthRefNo |
120 | Receipt Advice Number | RecAdvRefr |
121 | Date of Receipt Advice | RecAdvDt |
122 | Lot/Batch Reference Number | TendRefr |
123 | Contract Reference Number | ContrRefr |
124 | Any Other Reference | ExtRefr |
125 | Project Reference Number | ProjRefr |
126 | Vendor PO Reference Number | PORefr |
127 | Vendor PO Reference Date | PORefDt |
128 | Supporting Doc URL | Url |
129 | Supporting Doc in Base 64 Format | Docs |
130 | Any Additional Information | Info |