Notified E-invoice Schema

SN(Published in IRIS IRP Portal)JSON attributes
1GSTIN of User *usergstin
2Supply Type Code *SupTyp
3Reverse ChargeRegRev
4E-Com GSTINEcmGstin
5Igst on IntraIgstOnIntra
6Document Type *Typ
7Document Number *No
8Document Date *Dt
9Seller GSTIN *SellerDtls.Gstin
10Seller Legal Name*SellerDtls.LglNm
11Seller Trade NameSellerDtls.TrdNm
12Seller Address 1 *SellerDtls.Addr1
13Seller Address 2SellerDtls.Addr2
14Seller Location *SellerDtls.Loc
15Seller Pincode *SellerDtls.Pin
16Seller State *SellerDtls.Stcd
17Seller Phone NumberSellerDtls.Ph
18Seller Email IdSellerDtls.Em
19Buyer GSTIN *BuyerDtls.Gstin
20Buyer Legal Name *BuyerDtls.LglNm
21Buyer Trade NameBuyerDtls.TrdNm
22Buyer POS *Pos
23Buyer Address 1 *BuyerDtls.Addr1
24Buyer Address 2BuyerDtls.Addr2
25Buyer Location *BuyerDtls.Loc
26Buyer Pincode *BuyerDtls.Pin
27Buyer State *BuyerDtls.Stcd
28Buyer Phone NumberBuyerDtls.Ph
29Buyer Email IdBuyerDtls.Em
30Dispatch NameDispDtls.Nm
31Dispatch Address 1DispDtls.Addr1
32Dispatch Address 2DispDtls.Addr2
33Dispatch LocationDispDtls.Loc
34Dispatch PincodeDispDtls.Pin
35Dispatch StateDispDtls.Stcd
36Shipping  GSTINShipDtls.Gstin
37Shipping Legal NameShipDtls.LglNm
38Shipping Trade NameShipDtls.Trdnm
39Shipping Address 1ShipDtls.Addr1
40Shipping Address 2ShipDtls.Addr2
41Shipping LocationShipDtls.Loc
42Shipping PincodeShipDtls.Pin
43Shipping StateShipDtls.Stcd
44Sl No. *SlNo
45Product DescriptionPrdDesc
46Is-Service *IsServc
47HSN Code *HsnCd
48Bar CodeBarcde
50Free QuantityFreeQty
52Unit Price *UnitPrice
53Gross Amount (Rs) *TotAmt
54Item Discount (Rs)Discount
55Pre Tax Value (Rs)PreTaxVal
56Item Taxable Value (Rs) *AssAmt
57GST Rate (%) *GstRt
58SGST  Amt (Rs)SgstAmt
59CGST Amt (Rs)CgstAmt
60IGST Amt (Rs)IgstAmt
61Cess Rate (%)CesRt
62Cess Adval Amt (Rs)CesAmt
63Cess Non-Adval Amt (Rs)CesNonAdvlAmt
64State Cess Rate (%)StateCesRt
65State Cess Adval Amt (Rs)StateCesAmt
66State Cess Non Adval Amt (Rs)StateCesNonAdvlAmt
67Item Other Charges (Rs)Other Charges
68Item Total (Rs) *TotItemVal
69Order line referenceOrdLineRef
70Origin CountryOrgCntry
71Unique item Sl NoPrdSlNo
72Batch NameBchDtls.Nm
73Batch Expiry DateExpDt
74Batch Warranty DateWrDt
75Attribute Details of the itemsAttribDtls.Nm
76Attribute Value of the itemsVal
77Total Taxable Value (Rs.)*AssVal
78Total SGST  Amt (Rs)SgstVal
79Total CGST Amt (Rs)CgstVal
80Total IGST Amt (Rs)IgstVal
81Total Cess Amt (Rs)CesVal
82Total State Cess Amt (Rs)StCesVal
83Total Discount (Rs.)Discount
84Total Other Charges (Rs.)OthChrg
85Round off (Rs.)RndOffAmt
86Total Invoice value (Rs)*TotInvVal
87Total Invoice value in Additional CurrencyTotInvValFc
88Shipping Bill NoShipBNo
89Shipping Bill DateShipBDt
90Port CodePort
91Supplier RefundRefClm
92Foregin CurrencyForCur
93Country CodeCntCode
94Export Duty Amount (Rs)ExpDuty
95Trans IDTransId
96Trans NameTransName
97Trans ModeTransMode
99Trans Doc NoTransDocNo
100Trans Doc DateTransDocDt
101Vehicle NoVehNo
102Vehicle TypeVehType
103Payee NamePayDtls.Nm
104Account NumberAccDet
105Mode of PaymentMode
106Branch / IFSC codeFinInsBr
107Terms of PaymentPayTerm
108Payment InstructionPayInstr
109Credit TransferCrTrn
110Direct DebitDirDr
111Credit DaysCrDay
112Paid Amount (Rs)PaidAmt
113Due Amount (Rs)PaymtDue
115Invoice period Start DateInvStDt
116Invoice period End DateInvEndDt
117Original InvoiceInvNo
118Preceding Invoice DateInvDt
119Other ReferenceOthRefNo
120Receipt Advice NumberRecAdvRefr
121Date of Receipt AdviceRecAdvDt
122Lot/Batch Reference NumberTendRefr
123Contract Reference NumberContrRefr
124Any Other ReferenceExtRefr
125Project Reference NumberProjRefr
126Vendor PO Reference NumberPORefr
127Vendor PO Reference DatePORefDt
128Supporting Doc URLUrl
129Supporting Doc in Base 64 FormatDocs
130Any Additional InformationInfo