Ashwini Gorhe

November 21, 2022
E-invoice B2C QR Code: Applicability, Penalty, Contents, Generation, Exemption List
B2C QR Code was made mandatory by the government for businesses with an AATO of over INR 500 crores. It required them to display a QR code on every B2C e-invoice under GST along with B2B invoices.
November 11, 2022
E-invoice Mandate: E-invoicing Changes, Exemptions, Documents Covered, Transactions and more
E-invoice Mandate: Latest Update, Changes, Exemptions, Documents Covered and more | E-invoicing Mandate | E-invoicing Updates
November 2, 2022
Non-compliance with e-invoicing: Consequences and Common Mistakes to Avoid
Non-compliance with e-invoicing: Consequences and Common Mistakes to Avoid | Failure to comply with the rules of e-invoicing can lead to serious consequences and penalties.